Land Donation

Next to the monetary needs of building Habitat homes, our greatest challenge is finding land on which to build in Chattanooga. Therefore, Habitat for Humanity is continually working to identify property as a future home site.

Desirable lots and/or large parcels of land must:

  • Be located in Hamilton County

  • Be buildable

If you would like to donate a parcel of land, have land to sell or can provide a lead on land acquisition, please contact Jens Christensen ( 423-490-7317

Why donate land to Habitat for Humanity?

Transform Lives: Your land donation will directly contribute to the construction of decent, affordable housing in Chattanooga. Through partnerships with volunteers and future homeowners, we create sustainable communities that change the trajectory of families for the generations to come.

Tax benefits: As a registered nonprofit organization, a donation of land to Habitat for Humanity offers tax advantages to donors. You can receive tax deductions based on the appraised value of the land, which provides you with financial benefits on top of making a meaningful impact in your community.

Local Impact: By donating land within your community, you’re investing in its growth and wellbeing. You can witness firsthand how your contribution changes lives in your community by building strength, stability, self-reliance, and shelter for your neighbors.